You've finally reached the point in your work-wealth goals where you no longer have to "punch in" at the workplace. You've worked your business from home up to the point where you have just fired your boss!
It's possible.
In fact, it's probable if you can find the right business, the right guidance and stick to the schedule that YOU create. And always remember WHY you want to create your wealth from home. Could it be that dreadful commute and dysfunctional workplace?
In order to sustain your passion for your home business,
you need to keep your "why's" always at the forefront in every day that you work your business. The following suggestions will help keep you on track and will sustain your passion for your home based business;
1. Create a place in you living space where you can concentrate on your business tasks, preferably a place where you can close a door to keep distractions to a minimum.
2. Keep a daily schedule with your goals, large and small, for each day, week and month. Stick to it!
3. Put up a white board with your goals, motivating quotes, reminders, your "why's".
4. Take regular breaks to refresh and because you will often return with some new ideas.
5. Read personal development literature whenever you can. It's uplifting and keeps you on track spiritually. We are now working alone at home so motivation is imperative.
Lastly, life is just too dog-gone short not to be pursuing what it is that makes you happy, healthy and wealthy. We all deserve that in our lives.